Monday, April 5, 2010

Don't Force Your Money Upon the Waitress Please.

I have learned a lot about patience, stupidity and manners during my time as a waitress. Patience, I think is the most important because that teaches one to tolerate all sorts of weird and wonderful people. However, there is one thing that I don't really have patience for or can tolerate very well.

I absolutely dislike being caught up in the middle of the common argument of "Who Pays The Bill". This is usually extremely annoying and frustrating when two customers, Bill-Fighters, come up at the same time and force their money or credit cards at you. Whilst it is nice to have money forced upon me (who wouldn't?) its the problem of the waitress becoming the judge.

How do you choose? Who do you choose? And how can you do so without offending the other party. Really, there's no simple answer. In the end no matter who you choose, if both Bill-Fighters do not give up, you end up with a pretty lousy time deciding whose money to take.

It should be an easy thing. Paying the bill at the end of the night should be the most non stressful thing that a waitress should so all night. Waitresses are not trained to handle stupid situations like this, and to be quite honest, nor should we really. Its not in our jurisdiction.

Most of the time I smile and wait till the Bill-Fighters have had their battle and come to an agreement. I have had one particular Bill-Fighter tell me that I was rude simply because I told them to sort it between THREE Bill-Fighters and let me know who would be ultimately paying. I have also been given the evil look by a Bill-Fighter because I chose to accept the alternate Bill-Fighter's cash rather than the credit card for simplicities sake.

Bill-Payers should fight or decide without involving a waitress. After all we can't win no matter what we choose. It is an awkward position that I still do not really know how to handle with 100% confidence. So I think it would easier if all Bill-Fighters could decide before they pay the bill.


CommonWaitress said...

I know exactly what you mean. What's worse is when they start going back and forth, saying how much they'll tip if you take theirs. It's normally shit anyway and you feel greedy. I think you do the right thing- diplomacy. Tell them that they must decide for themselves because you don't want to offend anyone. What I do is take the payment of the first person who asks.

purplegirl said...

I take the money of whoever reaches me first; if they're arguing about it, I'll just drop it on the table and walk away. I'm not getting involved.

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