Saturday, January 30, 2010

Skipping out on the Manners Lesson

Once again, a booking was made under the name of Dunk. I actually picked up this booking and already knew who it was by the sound of their voice. Dread came over me at this point. So I sighed (which I have been doing a lot lately) and decided there was no escaping their clutches.

Sizzling-Lady is the older sister of Satay-Lady. They are alike in attitude, which does not make it pleasant for any waitress. Sizzling-Lady seems to like to believe that the whole world revolves around her. That's right, she is one of the those people. Everything must come to her straight away when she asks for it, and she doesn't ask in a nice way either.

Sizzling-Lady orders the same thing every times she comes in to eat, which is almost once a month. For entree she will have the King Prawn Cutlets. We serve this dish with a wedge of lemon, she likes it with Sweet and Sour sauce but NEVER orders it with the sauce.

Sizzling-Lady: Where's my red sauce? [As I put down her King Prawn Cutlets].

Some nights I feel like telling her that she didn't order one with it and that it's served with a wedge of lemon so that's what she got. Of course then I know I will get this response.

Sizzling-Lady: But I always have it with the red sauce, and you should know that.

Yep, because I am a total mind-reader.

Then for her main meal she will order:

Sizzling Beef
- Little onion
- Mild
- Cut up fine.

There are so many things wrong with this order.

1. When she asks for little onion. She doesn't seem to understand that we understand what little means.

Sizzling-Lady: Little onion, like extra little. Not too much because I have a problem with lots of onion.

Then she goes on about something about her bowel movements. Oh yes. I tune out at this point because it is too much information for me. Or usually I just walk away.

2. Mild. Sizzling Beef is not a spicy dish. In fact its the opposite. Its sweet. I have no idea why she thinks that this is a spicy dish when she eats it all the time. I once tried to explain to her that this was not a spicy dish. It went something like this.

Me: Sizzling Beef isn't spicy so asking for it to be mild won't make a difference.
Sizzling-Lady: Yeah, I don't want it to be spicy.
Me: It's not a spicy dish, so you don't have say it when you are ordering it.
Sizzling-Lady: I just want the dish to be mild, extra mild.

I walked away after that. She obviously was not getting the point and it was pretty plain that she was not even listening to me. The only reason why I even bothered to try was that in case a new waitress had to take her order and got confused by what she was ordering. It was pretty much a failure.

3. The beef is already in bite size proportions. If she wants it any more finely chopped it will turn out like mince meat. The interesting thing is that I usually don't write 'cut up fine' because I think that she has it confused with the Sizzling Steak, which has much larger pieces. Not once has she EVER complained about the size of the meat.

She drinks way too much when she comes in and will walk out of the restaurant pretty drunk. A drunk Dunk. Shes not very polite and when she asks for things, its definitely not in a way that makes you really want to get it done straight away.

The one thing that confuses me the most, above all else, is that this women must be in her 60s and I wonder how she has survived in this world having an attitude like that to people, not just waitresses. It is pretty shocking and I think it is just down right rude.

This is why I feel that no matter what I do, and no matter how much I do, I do not think that she appreciates what I do. I use to put up with it, but lately I feel like I don't have to put up with people who talk to me without any manners. In fact the children who sat next to her table had more manners than she had. Sizzling-Lady could learn a thing or too from them.


Anonymous said...

A lot of people are miserable in thier own little lives that they take it out other people. It's sad but the fact you listen to her and try to make her experience at your restaurant as pleasant as possible is probably the only good treatment she gets. I don't blame you for not wanting to put up her nonsense. I would feel the same feel way.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

so true, but I must say, you make it so funny.
As a former waitress, I am getting the biggest laugh out of these restaurant blogs. The stories are endless. God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

Those are tough people to handle.

♥ Caz said...


I don't even know if she is miserable in her own life. She seems so oblivious to everything. It makes me wonder how she does it. So people are just difficult to please.

♥ Caz said...


I suppose that in this industry is you can't find humor in it all then I guess you would never survive.

Thanks for enjoying the stories. :) I hope that they give you mostly good memories and not the awful ones.

♥ Caz said...
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♥ Caz said...

Waiter E...

On a day where I can suck it up I'm not too bad at handling them. Just been over worked lately so I know that the little things are definitely getting to me.

At least there are more good customers than bad.

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