Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Earn More Tips? Date a Scotsman

Whether I am actually dating a Scotsman seems almost irrelevant here. But I am, for a good long while now, if it bothers to make any difference.

Two lovely Scottish couples walk in. One couple are regulars and the other must be friends or family. They have a lovely dinner, no hassles and no problems. They are polite and courteous, as I am to them.

Non-Regular Man comes to pay. He pays with exact money, no tips. This doesn't bother me as:
1. They have not complained about their food.
2. They have been wonderful customers on a slow night.

Regular Man looks over Non-Regular Man's shoulder at the total bill.

Regular Man: So did you leave her a tip?

Non-Regular Man mumbles in an attempt to avoid answering the question. Regular Man then hands me change for tips.

Regular Man: That's alright darling, he's just stingy because he's Scottish.
Me: I know, my boyfriend's Scottish.*

Both couples laugh at this. I don't know whether because they agree or because it's true. I laugh along, because it's true.

Non-Regular Man: Well in that case, here.

At this point he hands over to me, with great generosity, 50 Australian cents.

I made a total of AU$3.50 in tips tonight.

Go figure.


* I'd also like to point out that my significant other can be quite stingy at times.

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